You play a key role in creating and maintaining healthy relationships.
It is a learning experience on boundaries, conversations, and the attitude of respect.
As with all our learning experiences, we encourage you to take notes as you move through the content. Capture ideas using visuals or just take a screenshot of the content.
Listen for things that will help you:
Develop a PROCESS to use professional boundaries to guide all of your workplace interactions and conversations.
As well, listen for ideas to help you to demonstrate an understanding that you are judged on the impact of your words and not your intentions.
The course has three purposes framed as overarching inquiry questions. An inquiry question provokes thinking and is connected with the learning goal and big ideas of the course.
Discover thinking tools to navigate your personal identity and professional conduct
Align your conversation and actions with professional boundaries
Learn to notice, name, and interrupt the process of disrespect
The course should take about 90 minutes to complete. You can complete it all at once or over a period of 60 days.
Upon successful completion of all modules and the submission of your boundaries tool box, you will be granted a certificate of completion.
We can certainly invoice you. Access to the course content is immediate when paying by credit card.