Here's A Sneak Peek Of
What You'll Learn

Get Proven Strategies
to Navigate Challenging Situations

Self-regulation is not an impossible task. We will help you to discover and unpack the link between your thinking, emotions, and behavior.

Sometimes reflection and change requires time. That's why we offer not only a 3.5-hour experience but also a more in-depth multi-session 8-hour webinar. The times are scheduled at your convenience on weekdays, evenings, or weekends.


Duration: 3.5 hours
Cost: $300 - Buy and Schedule


Duration: 8 hours (scheduled in 1, 2, or 3 hour blocks
Cost: $675 - Buy and Schedule

Part 1

Emotional knowledge and habits

Trauma and emotions

Language as a tool for self-regulation

What triggers your emotions

Facts about frustration

Disrupting the stories that drive our emotions

Day 1 - 3 hours

Minds on

Big ideas of the experience

Health and safety

Overview of emotions

Emotions and toxic behavior

Trauma and emotions

Language and emotions


Part 2

Thinking, emotions, and behavior

Discerning your emotional temperature

Your next steps

Day 2 - 2.5 hours

Greater self-regulation and discernment

The real facts about frustration

Turning windows into mirrors

Unpack your internal sentences

Changing your internal sentences

Day 3 - 2.5 hours

Attitude is everything

Speaking your truth respectfully

Dialog and responsible conduct

Reading the face part 1 and 2

Implementation intentions and next steps

Reach out to us for information or invoicing


Sensitivity Training

Diversity and sensitivity
Racial sensitivity
Sexual harassment
Cultural for educators
Unconscious Bias

Boundaries Training

Managing emotions
Professional boundaries
Managing conflict
Violence prevention


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