Tag: blog

  • Moving forward after an offense

    “The pendulum has swung too far, and people are just too sensitive these days.”  As a sensitivity trainer, I hear plenty of jokes about workplace sensitivity. I also hear a lot about the frustrations that come with living in a world where the rules seem to always be changing. And I get it.  In fact,…

  • Healthy Boundaries in Sales: Building resilient, productive sales departments

    A report on the follow article: Sales Managers Need to Take Mental Health Seriously. Many sales reps struggle with stress, anxiety, and depression. But talking about it is often considered a sign of weakness. Author(s): Brian Nordli, Published on Feb. 22, 2022 People who work in sales are faced with many professional dilemmas that affect…

  • Culture is key to productivity

    If culture is key to the productivity and success of an organization, why don’t we invest more in keeping our business cultures thriving? We often take for granted that our team knows how to navigate the modern professional workplace expectations, and we save training for the moments when an individual makes a mistake.  In a…

  • 3 reasons to avoid debating politics at work

    Why avoid political debates at work? Just ask Google. According to a recent article in Forbes, until very recently the workplace culture at Google had been well-known for its openness when it comes to allowing controversial debates and conversations at work.  Much like a university campus, the Google workplace culture – and many others like…

  • How leaders are increasing productivity by increasing awareness

    A recent article published in the Higher Education Review lists some benefits of getting leaders trained in civility and respect. Here are the benefits they list:  The bottom line is more productivity. More civility and respect leads to more productivity. The good news is, human beings are wired for cooperation – we are designed to…

  • Productivity a definition – part 2

    In part 1, I made the bold statement that the number one job of a leader is productivity. Let’s continue with a general definition of productivity. Following this, we’ll delve into defining productivity in relation to your organization or specific jobs. One metric views productivity as the ratio between output volume and inputs. Simply put,…

  • Productivity – part 1

    As a leader, your number one responsibility is to increase productivity. Whether it’s improving employee productivity, employee efficiency, meeting deadlines, or staying on task, it’s all about using time wisely. Helping people to use their time wisely involves a little bit of leadership “beingness” and lots of “doingness”. It is often easy to look at…